Hello everyone! This past Friday I decided to do my first bun. After blow drying my hair on New Year's Day I had this big fluffy hair that really showed it's length. I then did a Bantu Knot out that was quite lovely with all my cascading curls. For Friday I decided that I wanted to do a bun, so Thursday night I made a visit to Sally's and got a donut. I totally cheated because I have never worn a bun and I wanted it to look good and install easily.
So, I did a bun on the back of my head. I really liked the look, but there are some real pros and cons to wearing your hair up.
Pros: Protective styles that have your ends tucked away is great for length retention. Sleek elegant buns can give you a very professional sexy look. This bun was really easy to install and took only a few moments. I felt like this style really put my face on display and if you like to play with makeup this is the look to show it off.
Cons: It is really cold here in Minnesota and that wind blowing on my ears, neck and quite frankly my head brought tears to my eyes! I can't emphasize how cold it is up north here. I have a thyroid problem and I'm always cold to begin with, then 8 degrees windy weather makes it worse. The bun didn't allow me to wear a hat and I ended up wearing a scarf and head wrap, but I didn't realize how wearing my hair down keeps me warm. I also ended up applying a lot of gel to keep those flyaway hairs down. This means that I will have to rinse out my hair to get all that crunchy out. So, this was a one day style for me unless I'm wearing a bun the whole week.
I really like my new earrings! |
I don't want it to seem like I'm complaining, because I really liked this look. I just feel for me I need to consider doing this in the summer or warmer days.
I'm finding that what works for me doesn't necessary work for others. I can wear a wash n go with great curl definition, but my two strand twist outs can be hit or miss especially on day two. My wash n go's get big and fluffy, I can wear them for days and I can do things like puffs, pinned up sides, and pompadours with little effort.
But, my two strand twist outs look good on day one and go down hill after I have slept on them. Even when I pineapple! Only my flat twist outs look good for a couple of days and that's because I re-twist every night. I simple don't want to give the time and effort to re-twist two strand twists every night, so my twist outs just look slept on after day one. Never fluffy or full looking.
My hair is still wet, so those curls shrunk up something fierce. This is my WNG from 1/5/2013 |
On a completely different topic, I want to show everyone my wash n go after doing my blow out earlier in the week. This look was achieved with conditioner no gel applied. Being that this was the first time I straightened my hair with heat I wanted to make sure my curls would bounce back and they did! I really liked my stretched out hair with the Bantu Knot out and I think I will be exploring banding and African threading methods to stretch my hair without heat. But, I can't beat how pretty my curls are when I do a wash n go. Until next time...